
Monday, June 4, 2012

At the Back of the Blog

Behind RYH

For a starter like me, I'd first want to share to you some of my pictures from my youthful days so you will be able to know more about me... Oh well... Maybe your not even that interested about me because indeed I'm a NOBODY but well... Since this is all about the freedom of expression hahaha... Here it is...

From Birth to Kindergarten: CUTIE KID

The innocent baby... hehe... This was taken during our neighbor's Kindergarten Grad ceremony...
I don't really have a lot of playmates when I was around 3-9 years old. I would always play by myself or wait for my cousin who is just our neighbor to come and visit me to play. I don't know why I'm so afraid to go out of the house... maybe its because of my fear of dogs, specifically being bitten by a dog. Wew! Oh well, until now, that fear has never changed... hehehe...



My Elementary days were so DOWN...  As far as I can remember, from a cute healthy infant I became so skinny and ugly... Having pimples and crooked teeth... Things that can lower one's self confidence... But though, I'm like little Ugly Betty, still I studied hard and focused on my friends "My Energy-Booster" and my beloved family who were all-along so supportive of my school activities and projects. All... Except my drawing ability... Oh well... My father tried convincing me that DRAWING wont do any good to me... But every summer,... I feel so boring that I don't know what to do... Only drawing can ease my feeling of loneliness... So I continued doing it as a hobby and later, I got discovered by our school teacher and so I joined contests and won and lost... Well... That's LIFE!!! I'll just show you some of my drawing samples... soon... hehehe...



High School Top Priority: TOP STUDENT!? Actually, I never imagined or even thought of becoming a top student in my high school years. Though I study in my Elementary days but as long as I know myself... I'm the lazy stupid type... I easily get tired of doing the same tasks over and over again... I always want changes and something new. But, when my sister would scare me that if I don't study everyday... I will fail... and become a BIG DISGRACE to our family... And so I did study everyday... And at the end of the school year... I was shocked... I became a famous top student int he University, most especially in the High School Department... Exag??? hahaha Oh well... that's how I can describe what happened to me... With this... I became even more obsessed on staying in my rank but later became tired and I let it slip... You know me... I cant be in the same routine... Plus... I thought that I  am not balancing everything... I would sometimes... neglect to join friendly get-together because of this... super NERD attitude... Yes! NERD is the right term... That's what the whole class would call me...


Going towards the Late Bloomer Stage... My college life is the most colorful part of my life. It is where major changes happened and where my personality bloomed and became even stronger. I learned to become open to everything. Though in other stages of my life, I had very important friends as well but these guys were the most influential to my life. Hope others won't get mad... hehe... actually... My blog's to start mostly in my life at work and you can trace back where my personality molded by checking out this pipz...

Group Maturity: "The WEED"


Group Explorer: "Supahfrends"


Summer Buddies: "The Fashionista Duo"


The Great Change: BFF

I can say that this gal really had the biggest influence in my life... My words are not enough to explain our bond and moments together... Friends especially true ones are indeed life's best treasure. So don't be shy to show how much you appreciate and love your friends... Reis Your Heart out and Show how grateful you are  you have them in your life!!!


  1. Nice.... love your blog. creative pictures and dramatic journey of life. Great idea madame :)
